TLC Quiz Questions & Answers: Season 3

That’s right—all your season 3 quizzes and answers in one place! You can also listen to them here on your chosen podcast provider:

Quiz Answers: Strong Female Characters (Jan 20)

Thank you for joining us for our first TLC Book Bites quiz. How did you do? Did you beat Ed’s 9/10?

  1. Which one of these books is a bildungsroman? A) To Kill a Mockingbird, B) Gone with the Wind, C) Jane Eyre, D) Twilight, E) All of the above.


  2. Which of the other two Bronte sisters prevented Anne Bronte’s book, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, from being republished after her death because she thought “it hardly appears to me desirable to preserve”?

    ANSWER: Charlotte

  3. What is the name of the actress that placed Elizabeth Bennett in the 1995 television series of Pride and Prejudice?

    ANSWER: Jennifer Ehle

  4. In Anne of Green Gables, why was Marilla unhappy when she first saw Anne?

    ANSWER: She wanted a boy.

  5. In Lessons in Chemistry, what is the name of Elizabeth Zott’s dog?

    ANSWER: Six Thirty (You can listen to our chat with author Bonnie Garmus here)

  6. Which author was reticent to write the book that was an instant best seller and won her fame and fortune because she thought the subject matter was “moral pap for the young”?

    ANSWER: Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

  7. In The Wheel of Time series, which female character is introduced in the first few pages and goes from being a farm girl to leader of the Aes Sedai?

    ANSWER: Egwene al’Vere (You can listen to us talk about The Wheel of Time with author Stacey McEwan here)

  8. Which meddling spider uses her web as the tool to save her friend, Wilbur?

    ANSWER: Charlotte

  9. What is George Elliott’s real name?

    ANSWER: Mary Ann Evans

  10. Which writer famously disappeared for 10 days after her husband asked for a divorce? Extra clue: she was eventually found at a hotel in Harrogate.

    ANSWER: Agatha Christie (You can listen to us chat with author Nikki May about Agatha Christie here)

 All decisions by the quizmasters are final.

Quiz Answers: Classic Horror (Jan 27)

Thanks for taking part in the second TLC Book Bites quiz. How did you do? Are you a Master of Horror or do you need to go back to horror school and lurk in the shadows until you are simply a strange eldritch form whispering “they’re coming” over and over again with every ounce of dread you can muster?

  1. Who wrote the 1959 ghost story The Haunting of Hill House?

    ANSWER: Shirley Jackson

  2. Who wrote The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

    ANSWER: Robert Louis Stevenson

  3. Which of these authors was not present at the famous holiday where Mary Shelley got the idea for Frankenstein?

    a)      Lord Byron b) Bram Stoker c) Percy Bysshe Shelley or d) Claire Clairmont

    ANSWER: Bram Stoker

  4. The Raven is a poem by which famous horror writer?

    ANSWER: Edgar Allen Poe

  5. Arkham, Innsmouth and Dunwich are fictional towns in the books of which early twentieth century horror writer?

    ANSWER: H. P. Lovecraft

  6. In the 1938 Gothic novel Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, what is the relationship of Rebecca to the widower?

    a)      His late first wife b) His new wife c) his sister d) His cat


  7. In Dracula, the narrative is related through letters, diary entries, and newspaper articles. What is the name for this kind of novel?

    ANSWER: An epistolary novel

  8. The Turn of The Screw is a novella by which classic horror author?

    ANSWER: Henry James

  9. In The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, what happens to Dorian’s portrait at the end?

    a)      It’s stabbed with a knife b) It’s burned c) It’s reimagined as AI art d) It’s chopped up for kindling


  10. In which century was Varney the Vampire, the original vampire story that predated Dracula, written?

    ANSWER: The Nineteenth

 All decisions by the quizmasters are final. Remember there’s always next time/get the shot glasses out! (delete as appropriate)

Chickens or Dickens has its own blog post here due to the number of pictures.

Quiz Answers: Punctuation! (Feb 10)

What film starring Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock had punctuation aficionados up in arms because of a missing apostrophe?
ANSWER:  Two Weeks Notice

  1. We know it as a hashtag, but what is the original name of this particular punctuation mark?
    ANSWER: The Octothorpe (listen to podcast for full explanation)

  2. When considering this phrase “Let’s eat grandma”, which punctuation mark stands between grandma and a grisly end?
    ANSWER: The comma

  3. Which commonly used symbol was called the “monkey’s tail” in the Netherlands, the “small snail” in Italy, and “the strudel” in Israel?
    ANSWER: The “at” mark - @

  4. In the fifties, the ‘interrobang’ was invented by Martin Specter during the Mad Men era of advertising. It’s the name for two specific overlapping punctuation marks, indicating incredulity. Which marks were they referring to?
    ANSWER: The question mark and the exclamation mark — ‽

  5. This  particular punctuation mark has been around for over 2300 years, but it may have met its match in texting. A 2016 study at Birmingham University found that text messages concluded with this mark were perceived as insincere compared to messages without any terminal punctuation at all. What mark is it?
    ANSWER: The full stop

  6. Who invented both the comma and the full stop?  
    ANSWERS: Aristophanes of Byzantium

  7. In German they’re called Gänsefüßche;, in French, guillemets. And in Japanese, kagi kakko. Which punctuation mark is this in English?
    ANSWERS: Quotation marks

  8. Like the semi-colon, I am a punctuation mark that elicits opinions. Use me too much and I’ll makes you look like an over-excited 14-year-old. Some copy editors think it should never be used. My inventor called me the Punctus Admirativus. Who am I?
    ANSWER: Exclamation mark

  9. In modern Greek, the question mark doesn’t look the same as our question mark. Instead it looks like another English punctuation mark, for which Ed and I have great fondness. Of which mark do I speak?
    ANSWER: Semi-colon

Thanks for playing! Let us know how you did by leaving a comment under the quiz picture in Instagram or tag us in your own photo with #TLCquiz.

Quiz Answers: Doomed Romance (17 Feb)

Thanks for taking part in another TLC Book Bites quiz. How did you do? Are you a rancorous, unapologetic connoisseur of love gone hideously wrong - a feverish raconteur of the waylaid heart - or are you too mired in the lure of a happy ending to embrace the inevitable doom that awaits us all, whether here or in the disputed next life? Don’t answer that.

  1. In Greek myths, who lost his lover by the simple act of looking back?

    ANSWER: Orpheus

  2. Which novel written in 1847 is one of the most famous examples of doomed romance?

    ANSWER: Wuthering Heights

  3. The 1961 novel Revolutionary Road was turned into a 2008 film with which two Oscar-winning film stars?

    ANSWER: Kate Winslet and Leonardo Decaprio

  4. Which famous 2012 novel by John Green features a doomed romance between two teenagers with terminal cancer?

    ANSWER: The Faults in Our Stars

  5. In which George Orwell novel do Winston and Julia have a doomed affair?

    ANSWER: 1984

  6. Which famous Russian character in a doomed romance throws herself under a train at the novel’s conclusion?

    ANSWER: Anna Karenina

  7. Which two famous lovers meet at a masked ball?

    ANSWER: Romeo and Juliet

  8. The Great Gatsby sees a doomed romance between which two characters?

    ANSWER: Daisy Buchanan and Gatsby

  9. In which novel by Gillian Flynn does the marriage go so wrong that the wife goes missing?

    ANSWER: Gone girl

  10. What is the name for the romance novel by Julia Boggio out on 6 March (paperback) and 14 (digital)?

    ANSWER: Shooters

 All decisions by the quizmasters are final. Remember there’s always next time/give up on love forever (delete as appropriate)


Your love life may depend on it…

Quiz Answers: Self-Help Books (24 Feb)

Thanks for taking part in another TLC Book Bites quiz. How did you do? Are you instinctively in tune with the vibe of self-help books; a chilled-out, zen-like vibe that wafts in on a cool ocean breeze and extends its welcome at parties a little too long before wafting out again to transform people’s lives while being faintly annoying yet undeniably, or at least sometimes, slightly true? Or did none of that make sense? Don’t answer that.

  1. Thinking BLANK And BLANK by Daniel Kahneman

    a)       Hard and heavy

    b)      Tight and loose

    c)       Fast and slow

    d)      Hurts and you shouldn’t do it


  2. The 7 Habits Of Highly BLANK People by Stephen R. Covey

    a)    Eccentric

    b)   Eclectic

    c)    Effective

    d)   Electric


  3. · How To Win Friends And BLANK People by Dale Carnegie

    a)       Influence

    b)      Command

    c)       Engage with

    d)      Provocatively tickle


  4. The Power Of BLANK by Eckhart Tolle

    a)      Yesterday

    b)      Now

    c)      Tomorrow

    d)      Maybe next week, we’ll see, I have to check my diary, January has been pretty hectic and now February is too, to be honest I’m ready for a holiday…


  5. ·  The Courage To Be BLANK by Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga

    a)      The courage to be wrong

    b)      The courage to be disliked

    c)      The courage to be outrageous

    d)      The courage to be the kind of person who admits they don’t want to come out for dinks tonight because they just want to play on their video games and finish their book…


  6. · The Subtle Art of Not Giving a BLANK by Mark Manson

    a)      Toss

    b)      Damn

    c)      Fuck

    d)      Away all the spoilers to whatever TV show you’re watching to your friends


  7. · 12 Rules For BLANK by Jordan Peterson

    a)      Life

    b)      Living

    c)      Society

    d)      How to greet a friend so they don’t feel weirded out by the awkwardness of the physical exchange


  8. How To Stop BLANK And Start Living by Dale Carnegie

    a)      Daydreaming

    b)      Worrying

    c)      Questioning

    d)      In the name of love, before you break my heart…


  9. ·The Magic Of Thinking BLANK by David Joseph Schwartz

    a)      Small

    b)      Big

    c)      Creatively

    d)     About silk boxer shorts all day


  10. Man’s Search For BLANK by Viktor Frankl

    a) Validation

    b)  Meaning

    c)  Reputation

    d)  The wallet he left on the table that isn’t there anymore, and must have been picked up by someone, although in retrospect he should have checked his dressign gown pockets…


 All decisions by the quizmasters are final. Remember there’s always next time/throw your laptop or phone in the sea (delete as appropriate)

See you next Friday, quiz nerds!

Quiz Answers: Film Adaptations (March 3)

1. You might be surprised to hear that this film was based on a book called Nothing Lasts Forever because I was when I found out. The movie stays pretty close to source material and whereas we know the main action hero as John, in the book he’s called Joe. Which movie am I? Bonus points for the author.

 ANSWER: Die Hard, Roderick Thorp

2. This trilogy was recently turned into a successful BBC TV series starring James McAvoy, Lin Manuel Miranda and Ruth Wilson. However, the movie of the first book in 2007 failed so badly that the other 2 films were scrapped. What is the name of that movie? Bonus points for author.

 ANSWER: The Golden Compass, Philip Pullman

3. After the Hunger Games, YA books had a purple patch in the film world. Unfortunately, this series came at the end of the trend. It’s final book was released in two parts, but the first one did so badly that the second half was cancelled. Which movie am I? Bonus point for author.

 ANSWER: Allegiant, Veronica Roth

4. With only 28% on Rotten Tomatoes, this popular book did not make a popular film in 2001. One reviewer said, “A lot of talent was squandered on this incoherent grab bag of war-movie moments” whereas another conceded that “The Greek tourism board couldn't have turned out a more persuasive commercial.” Which movie am I? Bonus point for the author.

ANSWER: Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, Louis de Bernières 

5. While this 1961 movie was a hit with audiences and is considered a classic, the author of the original book hated it. In the film, the female lead was portrayed as quirky and romantic, whereas in the darker book, she was a straight-up escort and a pot smoker. The author said: “The film became a mawkish valentine to New York City…it bore as much resemblance to my work as the Rockettes do to Ulanova.” Of which movie do I speak? And a bonus point if you get the author.

 ANSWER: Breakfast at Tiffanys, Truman Capote

6. This Oscar-winning film features a lovable character that spawned a slew of gift books, a lot of bumper sticker slogans, and even a restaurant chain. However, the movie cuts out a lot that happened in the book, notably when the main character travels into space with a monkey and crash lands back to earth onto an island full of hungry cannibals. Don’t worry; he survives by beating them in a game of chess. Which movie am I? Who was the author?

 ANSWER: Forrest Gump, Winston Groom

7. Published in 1965 by an automotive manuals publisher, after twenty mainstream publishers rejected the story, this book is the world's best-selling science fiction novel of all time. Two film versions have been made of this book: one is on the worst book-to-screen adaptation list and the other more recent version, is on the best. Of which film do I speak? Who was the author of the original book?

 ANSWER: Dune, Frank Herbert

8. The next film is another great movie hated by the author. When the film came out, he was dismayed to see the entire story told from another character’s POV, rather than Chief’s, the character he had chosen as the main witness to the events. However, this movie went on to win the 1976 award for best picture, earning Michael Douglas his first Oscar as a producer. Which movie am I and who was the pissed off author?

 ANSWER: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Ken Kesey

9. The film says chianti, the book says Amarone (and we discussed this book way back in our first episode with Julie Cohen). The producers were worried that the general public wouldn’t know what an Amarone was, so they changed the script. Which Best Picture winner contains the wine swap? Who was the author of the book? 

ANSWER: Silence of the Lambs, Thomas Harris

10. This book to film adaptation cost $80 million to make and took in just $20 million at the box office, an embarrassment for star Kevin Costner. Which film was it and who wrote the book?

ANSWER: The Postman, David Brin

Please do head over to socials and let us know how you did!

Quiz answers: Julia’s Bookshelf (Mar 10)

1.     This popular series created by Diana Gabaldon has gone on to be a major television series. The first book was published in the UK under the title Cross Stitch, but what is it called in the US? Hint: it’s the name of the television series.

ANSWER: Outlander

2.     Riders by Jilly Cooper was said to “take the lid off international show jumping, a sport where the brave horses are almost human, but the humans behave like animals.”  What is the name of the nefarious and womanising main character?

ANSWER: Rupert Campbell Black

3.     Neil Gaiman had the idea for this book 23 years before he wrote it…sort of a macabre retelling of The Jungle Book. But he felt that he wasn’t a good enough writer yet to do the book justice, so he waited until he had the necessary skills. What is the name of this book?

ANSWER: The Graveyard Book

4.     This book by VE Schwab tells the story of a young French girl who makes a bargain with the devil for immortality, but the trade off is that she’s forgotten by everyone she meets. What is the name of this book?

ANSWER: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

5.     Henry the 8th like you’ve never read him before. The first book in this series by Hilary Mantel won the Man Booker Prize in 2009. What was the name of the second book in the series?

ANSWER: Bring up the Bodies

6.     These two books which came out in 2021 and 2022 have very similar titles, except one is about a fictional love triangle with an emotional fallout over half a century and the other one is about a real love triangle with an emotional fallout over half a century (AND it’s a behind the scenes look at the royal family). Name either one of the books.

ANSWER: The Paper Palace or the Palace Papers

7.     This poet is more well known in America than in the UK. He is the author of The Giving Tree and Where the Sidewalk Ends, which starts with the poem:
If you are a dreamer, come in
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer,
If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin
Come In! Come In!

What is his name? 

ANSWER: Shel Silverstein

8.     This true story of 3 generations of women is banned in China because the Yung Chang, the author, criticizes Mao Tse-Tung and the Chinese Communist Party. Most notably, Chang depicts her mother's imprisonment and torture by the party during the Cultural Revolution. What is the name of the book?

ANSWER: Wild Swans

9.     This young poet wrote a stirring poem called The Hill We Climb, which she read out at the inauguration of Joe Biden. The poem celebrates the U.S. not as a "perfect union," but as a country that has the grit to struggle with its all-too-real problems. What is her name?

ANSWER: Amanda Gorman 

10.  This series of romantasy books by Sarah J Maas is so beloved by its fans that it is referred to by the acronym of the first book’s title. What is this acryonym?

ANSWER: ACOTAR - A Court of Thrones and Roses

Quiz answers: Fantasy (Mar 17)

1.     JRR Tolkien’s stories of Middle Earth are split into three ages. Which age is covered by the Amazon series The Rings of Power, the First, Second, or Third age?

ANSWER: The Second Age

2.     George R R Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series (adapted into the Game of Thrones series) is not finished. What number is the next book we’re still waiting for?


3.     This author wrote 41 books set in the same fantasy world and are also Ed’s favourite ever fantasy writer. Who are they?

ANSWER: Terry Pratchett

4.     Which anthropomorphic figure which appears in every single culture in some form is personified by a young goth woman in Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series?


5.     Naomi Novik wrote a one-off novel called Spinning Silver which is a retelling of which fairy tale?

ANSWER: Rumplestiltskin

6.     Which novel starts with the following sentence: “When the moon rose in the third Northern Hall, I went to the Ninth Vestibule to witness the joining of the three tides?”.

ANSWER: A) Piranesi by Susannah Clarke

7.     Which of these four things did Robin Hobb NOT write about in her 16-volume fantasy series The Realm of The Elderlings: dragons, vampires, assassins or pirates?

ANSWER: Vampires

8.     J R R Tolkien was best mates with which other fantasy author who was notably obsessed with a particular kind of furniture?


9.     Which fantasy novel is the following opening line from: “The Island of Gont, a single mountain which lifts its peak a mile above the storm-wracked North-East sea, is a land famous for wizards”.

ANSWER: The Wizard of Earthsea

10.  Fonda Lee has a novella coming out on 11th April. What’s it called?

ANSWER: Untethered Sky

Quiz answers: Bestsellers (March 24)

Who sold the most?

1.     James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl or The Hobbit by J R R Tolkein?

ANSWER: The Hobbit

2.     Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J K Rowling or The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown?

ANSWER: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

3.     The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe by C S Lewis or And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie?

ANSWER: And Then There Were None

4.     Catcher in The Rye by J D Salinger or A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens?

ANSWER: A Tale of Two Cities

5.     Roget’s Thesaurus or The Guinness Book of World Records?

ANSWER: Guinness Book of World Records

6.     The Bridget Jones Books by Helen Fielding or The Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey?

ANSWER: Dragonriders of Pern

7.     The Dark Tower series by Stephen King or A Series of Unfortunate Events series by Daniel Handler?

ANSWER: A Series of Unfortunate Events

8.     The Jack Reacher Series by Lee Child or the Winnie-the-Pooh series by A A Milne?

ANSWER: Winnie-the-Pooh

9.     The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame or The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson?

ANSWER: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

10.  The entire Discworld series by Terry Pratchett or the entire Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon?

ANSWER: Discworld


TLC Quiz: Chickens vs Dickens (Feb 3)


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