All About Flash Fiction
Julia and Ed chat with Ed and Amanda in Australia at the Not Quite Write podcast about flash fiction. Lots of great tips in this episode!
Writing Advice with Jodie Chapman
Following on from Monday’s episode, we chat with Jodie Chapman about her best writing advice.
Writer Interview: Jennifer Page
In the first Book Bite of Season 4, we chat with author Jennifer Page, who shares her writing tips and her theory on why looking for an agent/publisher is like dating.
Best of Season 3
Julia and Ed discuss their favourite moments of Season 3. Ah, the memories!
Interesting Inscriptions
Julia and Ed talk about book signings and the things that people inscribe in books.
Weird Writing Habits
Writers are singular creatures, each with their own preferred way of working. What’s yours?
We need to talk about Chat GPT
Listen to Ed and Julia discuss how AI Authors are already affecting the writing world.
Writing the Perfect Query Letter
Curious how to write a query letter that will catch the eye of your dream agent? Ed and Julia share their knowledge about the query letter process.
Writer Interview: Anita Faulkner
In celebration of #respectromfic and Valentine’s Week, we interview romance novelist, Anita Faulkner, who is a finalist in the Katie Fforde Debut Novel category with the RNA.
The Beloved, but Much-Maligned Semi-Colon
Love it or hate it, the semi-colon has its uses. Ed and Julia wax lyrical about this oft misunderstood punctuation mark.
What the Dickens?!
It’s possible that this photo of Charles Dickens was taken after superfan Hans Christian Andersen finally left his house. Find out about this ill-fated meeting in today’s Book Bite
What is a bildungsroman?
What is a bildungsroman? Find out in this short and snappy 5-minute info snack with Julia and Ed.