TLC Quiz: Christmas Movies
In our last quiz of the season, Meredith Hepner tests us on our knowledge of John Hughes and Richard Curtis’s Christmas films.

TLC Quiz: Rake or Radish?
Join Julia with guest quizmaster Alivia Fleur as she asks the question: is it a RAKE or a RADISH? Who knew heirloom vegetables had such dastardly names?!

TLC Quiz: Murder in Fiction
Join quizmaster Anne Hughes as she tests our knowledge of murder in fiction. Go on! Take a stab at it!

TLC Quiz: Historical Figures in Fiction
How well do you know your historical fiction? Take this quiz by Katie Ginger and find out!

TLC Quiz: Bonkbusters
Get your shoulder pads ready! It’s time for the Bonkbusters quiz! Do you know your Jackie from your Jilly and Judith? Find out here…

TLC Quiz: Female Friendships
A truly enjoyable quiz by Vicki Childs. Julia managed 4 points. Can you do any better?

TLC Quiz: Witches
In celebration of Halloween, join us for this witchy quiz, courtesy of Emma Jackson. Can you beat Julia’s score? Probably!

TLC Quiz: Love Stories
We are so excited to present today’s quiz, all about Love Stories! Our quizmaster is the best-selling author of five romcoms, Beth O’Leary.

TLC Quiz: Ghostwriting
A brilliant quiz on the subject of ghostwriting by Tom Bromley, a man who knows what he’s talking about. See if you can beat Julia’s score and go into her new Book Club on Facebook to let her know how you did.

TLC Quiz: Spies
Think you're ready to write a spy thriller? Then you'd better take this quiz by David Bickford, the ex-legal director of MI5/MI6. Can you beat Julia's final score? (Yes, probably).

TLC Quiz: Royalty
Julia answers questions about royalty in literature in this fun quiz written by Marguerite Kaye and Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York.

TLC Quiz: RomComs with Jo Lyons
It’s the first quiz of the season! And we all know how Julia loves a RomCom quiz, so Jo Lyons has done the honours of writing one…and it’s a goodie!

TLC Quiz: Season 4 - The Final Battle
It’s the final quiz of the season and there’s all to play for with Julia and Ed bitter quiz rivalry. It’s also Ed’s last episode, so make sure you listen to the end for Jeremy’s musical tribute to all that is Ed.

TLC Quiz: Startling Things!
Join us for Melissa Addey’s Startling Quiz! Prepare to be startled.

TLC Quiz: Mum Noir
Stressed out mums, scary nannies and sinister play dates…this quiz has it all. Test your knowledge of the Mum Noir genre with writer Katherine Faulkner.

TLC Quiz: Boys in Books
Today, Uju Asika challenges the chicks with her Boys in Books quiz. Let us know your score on our socials!

TLC Quiz: Kelk on Romance
Think you know your romcoms? Test yourself in this quiz by romance superstar Lindsey Kelk.

TLC Quiz: Famous Last Words
Eddie and Amanda from the Not Quite Write Podcast challenge the chicks in their Famous Last Words quiz.